I knew in my fridge was left over hamburger patties from dinner 2 nights ago. Most leftover meals are made into new creations so my family doesn't usually realize it is even leftovers, tonight was no exception.
I took the left over patties and chopped them into bite size pieces. The patties were full of flavor bc they were made with grass fed beef, turkey meat, and sausage.
I then chopped some onions, bellpeppers and jalapeños I had frozen, and sautéed them for about 10 mins. I added salt, rosemary, and fresh basil.
I grabbed a can of diced tomatoes, chicken broth, and Italian herb spaghetti sauce (I am not sure how long it had been in there) and added them to the sautéed veggie mixture.
I let this summer and reduce down for prob 30-45 mins.
During my free time I watched House hunters, called my sister so someone could feel sorry for me since I am not feeling well, and got water boiling for the pasta. I grabbed what ever pasta I had on hand and today chose some gluten free kind that basically rocks in the lack of gluten dept.
Once the sauce was super reduced I added the chopped up hamburger patties.
The meat did not need to be cooked of course, so I just heated it up and then yelled at the top of my lungs for everyone to wash their hands and get their booties to the table. 😉
Dinner was served, everyone enjoyed it and I was super pleased with my made up- thrown together- tomato sauce.
This was a great meal and the best thing about it was I didn't spend any extra money, I shopped right out of my pantry
What do your have in your pantry that you can make a meal with? Hashtag it
#pantrymademeals on Instagram I would love to see what you came up with!
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