Tuesday, December 22, 2015

A gift for the homeless.

I am one of the people that have a heart for something and then sit back and do very little about it. Life, time, and money get in the way making it hard to follow though with a great idea. I will spare you the long stories of my few times I did walk out an idea and today just focus on this one.
A week or so ago I thought how great would it be to make little stockings for the homeless people ( who sell the newspapers) and put a little gift inside of it. I wanted Ava to draw some lovely picture of a Christmas tree and then we would put some candy inside and -in a perfect world - we would have a gift card to some food place. 
Today I started on the stockings. They were horrible...No good....throw away....What the crap are those...stockings. So i changed it up and did a different shape. I am much more pleased with this design.

  I have a few sewn for tomorrow when Gabi and I go out. If anyone has any ideas of more stuff to go in the bags please let me know. 
I wanted the stocking to be small but bring happy memories and Ava's picture to be used as their own tree if they have no place for a real one. 

I mentioned all of this to Jerry and he suggesting writing a poem to add in. I prayed about what to write them and wrote this.

Don't forget 

It is the season to remember....but it has been a hard year. 
They say "Take time to count your blessings" but you can hardly do that though your fallen tears. 
Life has thrown you some curve balls and you had to learn to play the game. 
It has been a challenge and now walking though life doesn't look quite the same. 
I pass you all the time and I can recognize your weathered face. 
But I don't know your name or your story or how you got to this time and place. 

I want you to know that as I pass you I pray,
For protection, and for blessings, and for joy each day. 
I want you to know that you may feel like you are unseen 
But you are loved by a God who sees you as his child who is worthy and can be redeemed. 
The Christmas season is the celebration of a child's birth 
He is Jesus, God's son, sent from heaven to earth. 
So to the poor person reading this who may live on the streets or the wealthy person seeing this as the prop up their tired feet,
You need to know that to God you each are the same and he wants to capture your heart  and He already knows you by name. 
Charlene Turney December 22. 2015. 

Is there an idea that you have been thinking on but haven't walked out? Maybe this is the season to do just that. 

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